Thursday, January 31, 2019

January 31, 2019

Hi all,

It has been a busy couple of weeks, I am sorry I have not posted lately.

1. Book orders were sent home yesterday, and will be due back Wednesday, Feb.13.

2. We are having a new friend join us on Monday. His name is Rodrigo, and we are very excited to have him join our group.

3. Here are some dates for February:

February 5 - Student assembly celebrating Chinese New Year. Students are encouraged to wear red, or traditional dress to celebrate this day.

February 14 - Valentines Day. School is wearing pink and red.
                       We will be doing a little Valentines Day party, I will send home a list of student names                         next week. If you want to bring in treats, you are more than welcome. We are going to                         have our reward day that day. The kids have chosen a game day. If your child would                             like to bring a board game in we will be having an afternoon of board games.

February 18 - Islander Day - No School

February 20 - 100 Days of School. Students are asked to dress up like they are 100! :)

February 25 - PD Day - No school for students.

February 27 - Pink shirt day.

4. We are finishing up our narrative fiction writing this week, and will be moving onto persuasive writing. In reading, we are going to be moving onto questioning, and working hard on our fluency as readers. In math, we are working on patterns, as well as double digit addition and subtraction. It is beneficial for your children to know their addition facts up to 20 fluently, as it will help immensely when moving onto regrouping.

If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to email or call!


Tuesday, January 15, 2019

January 15, 2019

Hi all!

Just a few quick notes:

1. Book orders are due back tomorrow, Wednesday January 16. Thanks :)

2. We are continuing to work on summarizing stories and working with story elements in Reader's Workshop.

3. In writer's workshop, we are working on Narrative fiction, and the student's are loving it. This week. we are focusing on how we can hook the reader with a unique introduction.

4. In word work, we have moved on to our vowel teams oa/ow, to make the long o sound. Here are our words for the week:

1. know
2. grown
3. window
4. show
5. follow
6. snow
8. coach
9. road
10. toast
11. load
12. soap

5. In math, we are continuing to work on reading a monthly calendar, and generating questions about it. We will be finishing this up this week. After this week, we will be focusing hard on adding and addition strategies, as we are getting into two digit addition and subtraction for the bulk of February.

6. Note from the office:    Parents please do not enter the staff parking lot.

Thanks, I think that is it for now!


Monday, January 7, 2019

January 7, 2019

Hi all!

I hope everyone had a wonderful break. I wanted to take the time to thank each and every one of you for sending gifts. It was so thoughtful. I thoroughly love teaching your children, and their growth and hard work each day makes me smile and fills my heart with happiness!

1. I sent homework home this week. Back to the grind!

2. Book orders have also been sent home. They will be due back Wednesday, January 16.

3. In writing, we are moving onto writing fiction stories This ties in well with our Reader's Workshop where we are discussing character traits, as well as the elements if a story.

4. In math, we are starting our subtraction strategies, as well as moving into some calendar work in the next couple of weeks. After that we will be focusing on 2 digit addition and subtraction, which is a difficult concept for some. I encourage you to work on your math facts at home with your children up to 20 (both addition and subtraction), as it will help them immensely as we move forward soon.

Thank you again.

I think that is all for now. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email or call.

Happy New Year!
