Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Hi all!
It was so nice to see each and every one of you last week to discuss all the amazing things your children have been doing!
Sorry I am late getting onto the blog. I have not been feeling the greatest, and I have an ongoing family emergency that has needed my attention.
1. It is French week! Tomorrow we will be celebrating by wearing the french colors, red. blue, yellow, and white! We will also be having a discussion about the Acadiens, and the French community here on Prince Edward Island.
2. I did not send book orders home, due to the book fair last week. If you would like to receive those book orders, please let me know, and I will send them home.
3. On Friday, it is Spirit Week - dress in Green for St. Patrick's Day.
4. We as a class will be having a pajama day on Friday, as I received a very well written persuasive letter telling us why we deserved one from one of the students! We will also be inviting 2C over for a movie that afternoon! Great way to relax before heading into March Break.
5. For wordwork this week. we are focusing on puncuation, and upper and lower case letters in words. In math, we are working on double digit subtraction, and word problems. In writing, we are finishing up persuasive/opinion writing. In Reader's Workshop, we are working on summarizing using Somebody Wanted But So Then, as students needed a refresher.
6. I hope you all have a wonderful March Break!
