Tuesday, May 21, 2019

May 21, 2019

Hi everyone,

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!

Here are a few notes:

1. Our Spring Fling is fast approaching! This fun family event is one of our school's largest fundraisers and will be taking place on June 7th. Each grade level will be assembling raffle baskets. We are asking that each student contribute one or two dollars and then the grade 2 teachers will shop to fill the baskets. At the Spring Fling, children/parents are able to purchase tickets on the baskets. Please send a loonie or toonie in by Friday, May 24th.

2. The Grade 2's will be having a closing ceremony on June 24. More information to follow.

3. Some people still have not handed in permission forms and money for Shining Waters June 20. Please do so ASAP.

4. I am out three days next week. the 28, 29, and 30. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need anything. If you need a bus pass, or send a note that your child is being picked up, etc, you can call the office. The children are looking forward to having Mrs. Corney in!

5. From the of office:

  • Please remind parents that school fees are due ($40).  Fees must be paid by the end of May or parents will be required to purchase them on their own.
  • Due to the number of students on our buses, requests for bus notes for an alternate bus for after school activities and playdates will not be granted.
I think that is all for now!


Saturday, May 11, 2019

May 11, 2019

Hi all!

I hope you all have a wonderful Mother's Day weekend!

Here are a few notes:

1. Thank you for all your support to make the spring concert a success. I know it wasn't east to find clothing, and accessories, but the children looked great and did an amazing job with their performances! I am so proud of them all!

2. Field Trip forms and money for Shining Waters is due Thursday, May 16. Thank you for those who have already sent it in. :)

3. So far, I only have one volunteer that has offered to come with us. In order for us to be able to go to Shining Waters I will need 4-5 more parents willing to come with us.

  • You need to email me to know you are interested.
  • You need a criminal record check completed in order to go.
  • Before you go to the RCMP to get your criminal record check, you need to come to the school, or email me to get a cover letter from the school.
  • You have to provide your own transportation.
It is always a wonderful experience. I know in other years that volunteers have went, they have thoroughly enjoyed it!

4. I know we are coming to the end of the year, and the weather is starting to get nicer! 
I still encourage you to have your child read to you every night for 10 minutes, and to complete the homework sheets I send home for the week! I know some days are tough, and life is busy. 

That's all for now.


Thursday, May 2, 2019

May 2, 2019

Hi all!

I haven't been posting on here lately, as many of you do not read this, and I send out weekly emails to the group.

1. There is a typo on the Spring Concert tickets. They say that the day is Tuesday, May 8. It is actually Wednesday, May 8.

2. On concert night, please have the children here between 5:30-5:45 and bring them to their classroom. We will keep them down here before and during the concert.

3. Like I said in the email, there will be 2 afternoon tickets, and 2 evening tickets for each student. If you are not using your tickets, please send them back, as I have already had numerous requests for extra tickets for the evening concert, and I have to wait to see what tickets come back before I can give those families an answer.

4. Today, or Monday I will be sending home permission forms for our year end field trip to Shining Waters. There is a fee of $15.50 that is due, along with the permission form, by May 16.

5. I am going to be looking for 6-7 volunteers for the tear end field trip to supervise a small group throughout the day. You would need to provide your own transportation, and have a current criminal record on file with the school board. If you are interested, and need to go through the criminal record check process, let me know!

6. In Reader's Workshop, we are working on Comparing and Contrasting. In Writer's Workshop, we will be moving into Procedural Writing. We will also be starting to work on Science and the life cycles. In wordwork, we are finishing up with contractions.

If you have any other questions, don't hesitate to email, call or text.
I will email this to you all as well.
